Today, Alyssa, Felicia, Teh Pig, or Amaryllis and I went to Bedok Interchange...
Why? How? What? Har?
It all started when my grandmother forgot to prepare my salted fish-filled lunch, and was force to dine out. There was also the rumour, which was supposedly created in a figment of Sylvia's mind, that eating salted fish turned your eyes yellow. Anyhoo, the 7 of us, including Sylvia, Sarah and Wai Leng, who did not go to Long John's, started the great number 14 bus wait. From 1pm to....2pm. Frustrated? Yes. The cause? I think the Chai Chee students, which stop comes before Temasek's, dismissal time was at 1pm. So yeah, 3 buses were full of 'em, and there was no way we could fit.Alyssa kept on using the word 'dumb', in every way possible. For example, she kept on saying she and Sylvia were dumb smart.
After a long, tiring and definately retarded 1 hour, the first empty number 14 bus came, and whisked us to our destination. (Sylvia alighted halfway through the journey, while the other 2 took another bus due to the frustration of waiting) Well, actually, the bus made a few stops along the way, but hey, way to point out the obvious.
Bedok was not really my defination of crowded, but hey, there was business...Along the way to Long John's, Amaryllis spotted some adorable little clocks. So she said that she would give us clocks song zhong. But hey, can you blame her? Face it, her mouth is plain dirty. So yeah, Alyssa forced her to touch the wooden bench and wooden furniture in a shop to removed the curse. I also dragged her to a tree and forced her to touch it. The curse was off after that. At least, we thought it was.
Long John's had this giant bell people rang if their service is good. Apparently, everyone seem to think it was good. Either that, or ringing it is just plain fun. We were unfortunate enough to sit next to that bell.We each bought a combo 1 meal, which comprises of 2 pieces of fried chicken, fries and a drink. I could've sworn both pieces of my fried chicken were smaller than the ones Amaryllis, Alyssa and Felicia got. We had tartar sauce and destroyed Amaryllis' fries by putting it over them while they already had chilli on them. I kept kicking Amaryllis' leg too, which was an accident. I drank all her coke too.
We laughed, we talked, and I almost choked on my food. It was so fun. After that we went to the library of all places, and sat down in the children/ toddlers' level to chit chat. That was not fun. Why? 1) The chairs were too low. 2) Paisehh
We left after that, feeling happy and contented. Little did I know I was going to have a case of either dierra or indigestion later that night.
Stay Beautiful, Hsu Li
written at 10:15 pm
Friday, April 14, 2006
Today was Temasek's annual sport meet thingy thing. It was loud, it was exciting, and boy, did my butt hurt big time after the whole event.
So I departed from home at about 10am. Time to reach Temasek? 11.30am. Yes, I'm as many of you would say, kiasu. But hey, I don't give a damn. I reached Tampinese Mall at 10.20am, not before stopping by NTUC, conveniently located in White Sands. I rushed over to Century Square to pick up Amanda's birthday gift, and proceeded to the bus interchange.
Here comes the good part...
So I was lost, in the interchange, hardly ever going there in the first place. I walk all the end to the bus interchange, only to discover the bus stop I was looking for was located at where I had started looking. So I walked all the way back. 10.45am. I waited for SBS bus 10...until 11.05am. I was frustrated, I was pissed, and I given gave the bus driver this look that said, " I hate you. Get out of my life." Luckily, however, alot of Temasekians were on that bus, which means if I get in trouble for being late, they will too. Along the way, Maeting boarded the bus and joined me in the task of trying to seal up the box Amanda's gift was in. We used staple bullets after all attempts failed.
11.25am. Reaches Temasek. Just in time. Who's kiasu now, huh, HUH?
About 11.45am. Boards bus, tries not to puke due to the bus driver's constant stopping. It was a horrendously long trip, but I managed to keep myself entertained by meandering about Sims 2 and the expansion packs. Thank you, Sims!
Unknown time. Reaches the stadium. Nobody really seemed in the mood for cheering or doing the kallang wave. Maybe that's why we lost the stinkin' cheering competition...oh well. It was raining too, which made everything worse. The staircase seat-like thing was drenched. It was hard, and dirty. The Dunman High students however, got to seat on real seats and under a shelter.
Unknown time to 5.45pm. I had, by that time eaten ALOT of snacks. I was feeling sick, hungry and of course, wet. All I really wanted to do at that moment, was sick on a nice, soft bed and probably take a shower.
And something happened! Ian, for some ridiculous reason only his mind could generate, poured water on Jun Jie or something. Then Jun Jie thought it was somebody else and splashed/poured water on the people in front, I think. I'm not too terribly sure, but hey, its your decision whether you would want to trust someone who spends most of her life playing the computer and studying that she misses out on stuff. Then Sylvia, who got splashed upon, got really like, mad, and poured water over Jun Jie. Seran did so too, and some other unknown people. But they apologised in the end ( Sylvia, that is) when they found out it was not Jun Jie's fault, but Ian's fault in the first place. So yeah, he's pretty much hated by some now. Don't ask me though.
Please note that the above imformation may not be accurate and if it really isn't, you didn't read it from my blog...
Anyway, after the whole event, 1 Aspiration's bus reached Temasek at 7.15pm, where everyone rushed to the bustop, or the toilet. The sun by then had already set...and I couldn't help but smile.
Why? Very simple, I was a step nearer to finally be able to soak my butt after over 5 hours of sitting on hard stone.
Century egg porridge, Hsu Li
written at 12:47 am
Saturday, April 08, 2006 Yeah, I know I haven't been keeping my promises and haven't posted for a long while...Too much to do, I guess. Classes, homework, Essays and a certain funeral.
So, back to blogging!
Anyway, I had already apologised to Alex. Turns out, he doesn't even know what the hell I'm talking about. Oh well, at least my dignity isn't lost.
Its now saturday morning, and I have manga class....zzz....I have to draw something or else my manga teacher's gonna kill me. Having an artist block, ne? By the way, manga is a form of japanese drawing...those you see in japanese comic books ^^
I'm feeling quite depressed too...I wish i could have an off day which I can just wake up, sit at my computer and play my Sims2 for 12 hours straight. But nooooo, its always studying and attending classes. School gives children the assumption that their only purpose in life is to study.
Oh yeah, there's a topic I would like to express my true feelings about. Don't be mad at me if you find me critizing you. "Folding of skirts". Alot of people do it. I find it kind of sickening. It might not be my business, but I find it annoying. Why? If you fold your skirt, aren't you just saying that your legs are so damn sexy? Aren't you saying that, " Oh! My legs are so sexy that I can't keep them to myself so I have to show the entire school!!" Its not that people can't wear mini skirts, I do anyway, but its a school uniform for pete's sake! It looks ugly when you do it! I mean, if you want to wear it outside, sure. But in sch0ol?? You just come here, you study, then you go home. You're not there to showoff your legs and attract attention.
And sometimes, people always fail to think, " Are my legs even sexy in the first place?"