Sunday, February 26, 2006
Hi..this is a post to tell ya'll that I'm not dead...:D
I know i haven't updated since who knows when. The reason? I was making a new, more professional like layout, however, photoshop is in my sister's computer and she bring it to houstel for 5 days every week. So yeah, how am I suppose to complete it under these circumstances?? I promise, no swear, I will finish my layout during the next weekend ASAP so I can once again, blog. As for what happened the past few days, I'll have to back to you on that.
I love cheesy sausages...
written at 9:06 am
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Today was scary...Really...In fact, I think I would be forever traumatized. I've always wanted to watch "I not Stupid Too (I'm not Stupid 2)"..but today, I saw it...only it was real life.
You see, I have chinese tuition every Sunday. But today, was especially frightening. Since the beginning of the year, my tuition has been 2 to 1 tuition. My tuition teacher, her nephew and I. My teacher's nephew has always Today, he forgot to bring his tuition notebook, some books, an eraser and left a whole section of his homework blank. Naturally, my tuition teacher got really, really, really, really mad. After all, it wasn't the first time he forgot to bring his stuff. So she took out her cane.
You can guess what happens next.
Yup, PWACK. Loud. And not once. She didn't hit him only at one spot though.
I was amazed. He didn't cry. Not a tear. So she went on, scolding him. After she had calmed down, I continued reading aloud the passage she told me to read. Coincidentally, the first sentence i read, translated from chinese, was, " I was shocked. I didn't say a word." Exactly. Don't get me wrong though, it isn't my tutor's fault. If I was her, I would be just as angry. And she had the right to cane him, being related and all.
She hit him again. All of a sudden. Scaring me. This time, without the cane. After a few hard hits, the cane came in. She kept scolding him. Something about being in normal stream, failing chinese, constantly playing and not studying. Suddenly, his eye was hit. Ouch. That was when he cried. He went home after making a call to his parents. His father was really mad at him. So yeah, I was scared. Very scared.
Oh well, I'm still going to watch "I not Stupid too".
written at 6:43 pm